Henry Chan

Henry is a structural and molecular biologist. As a scientist, Henry develops technologies to enable the rapid development of synthetic biology tools at Octant.

Henry received his PhD in Biochemistry from UCLA, where he studied the molecular architecture and structure of the telomerase enzyme. Prior to graduate school, he was the 2nd hire at Inhibrx, where he helped start the lab and develop antibodies and antibody generation techniques.

Henry received his B.S. and M.S. at UCSD in molecular biology where he did research in protein engineering and evolution, and bioinformatics. Outside of work his hobbies include Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, sailing, and rock climbing.


Structure of Tetrahymena telomerase reveals previously unknown subunits, functions, and interactions. Jiang J, Chan H, Cash DD, Miracco EJ, Loo RRO, ...Feigon J. Science. 2015. (6260).

Progress in Human and Tetrahymena Telomerase Structure Determination. Chan H, Wang Y, Feigon J, Ann Rev. of Biophysics. 2017. 46, 199-225.

The p-type ATPase superfamily. Chan H, Babayan V, Blyumin E, Gandhi C, ...Saier M.H., Jou. Mol. Micro. Bio. 2010 19(1-2), 5-104.


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